We Are His Family!




    We Are His Family!

    A bochur from an Anash family who lost both his parents is set to get married in a few weeks. There is no one to pay for the wedding expenses. This time we, Anash are his family • Full Story

    We are the family!

    This time we are the family.

    A tomim from Anash is an only child, who lost his father at the age of seven.

    About a decade ago, the mother and the child immigrated to Israel, and the son entered Chabad yeshivos in Eretz Hakodesh.

    At the end of the Chabad yeshivos system, the bochur went to the kvutza in 770 for a year, and after that he was on shlichus in yeshivos and completed his rabbinical smicha studies.

    Now he is close to the wedding stage, but his mother’s difficult condition forced him to abandon everything and focus on supporting her.

    About two weeks ago, his mother unfortunately passed away, and the tomim was left alone in the world.

    We, the Anash family, are his family.

    Now he is preparing to start his life. But unlike the most of the boys in his age – there is no one to support him
    There is no one to get him the multiple wedding expenses and no one to accompany him the following year

    Tens of thousands of shekels that fell on the shoulders of one person.

    His extended family, the anash family, revealing how far the brotherhood of the chassidim can reach.

    We will take care of all his needs

    So, he will not worry even for a moment, that he was left without a warm and caring loving family

    Let’s free his mind from worries.

    Come and support him in the difficult moments, and let’s prove to ourselves that ‘Chassidim are one family’.

    His friends

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