New Haven Menahel Joins Cincinnati Siyum Harambam




    New Haven Menahel Joins Cincinnati Siyum Harambam

    Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati, hosted the Jewish community Siyum Harambam. Anash joined the Temimim and heard Divrei Torah from the Chavrei Hanahalla and Talmidei Hashluchim. The keynote speaker was Rabbi Chanoch Bistritzky of New Haven • Full Story, Photos

    Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati, directed by Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, hosted the community Siyum Harambam. Anash joined the Temimim and heard Divrei Torah from the Chavrei Hanahalla and Talmidei Hashluchim.

    The keynote speaker was Rabbi Chanoch Bistritzky – Menahel of the Yeshiva Gedola of New Haven.

    A special program for women and children was held as well.


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