Mrs. Alte Etye Seelfreund, 96, OBM




    Mrs. Alte Etye Seelfreund, 96, OBM

    We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Alte Etye Seelfreund, a beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and great-great-grandmother who survived the Holocaust. She passed away on Sunday, 11 Nissan, 5783 • Full Story

    We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Alte Etye Seelfreund, a beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and great-great-grandmother who survived the Holocaust. She passed away on Sunday, 11 Nissan, 5783.

    She was 96 years old.

    Her birth was associated with a bracha of a tzaddik. Prior to her birth, her parents lost six babies when they were just a few months old. Before she was born her father went to Reb Yeshayale of Kerestir for a bracha for a healthy baby. Reb Yeshaya said that they should “sell her” with a contract to the Rov of their town, since the Rov and Rebbetzin’s children were all healthy. He also said to name her Alte. Reb Shayale bentched them and said that their baby will live a very long life.

    Indeed, she went on to survive the Holocaust, and live to the age of 96, and merited to see five generations of chassidim and Yirei Shomayim.

    She was known for having great mesiras nefesh for Yiddishkeit. She was a tzanua in both her dress and her actions.

    She is survived by her children Libby Barber of Crown Heights, Breindel Brisk, Nussen Nute Hakohen Seelfreund and Yitzchok Dov Hakohen Seelfreund.

    She was predeceased by her husband Reb Moshe Avrohom Hakohen Seelfreund.

    The levaya took place today.

    Mrs. Libby Barber will be sitting Shiva until Yom Tov, at 200 Ross Street, Apt 6A.


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