24 Hours Left: Message From R’ Sholom Rubashkin




    24 Hours Left: Message From R’ Sholom Rubashkin

    With 24 hours left to the Siyum, Reb Sholom Rubashkin sends the following message: To the thousands of my dear brothers and sisters in Klal Yisroel who united together through one Sefer Torah • Full Letter


    To the thousands of my dear brothers and sisters in Klal Yisroel who united together through one Sefer Torah:

    By Divine Providence I received an email a short while ago which helped me find the words to express my heartfelt thanks to you for taking of your precious time and money to come together as one, partnering in one Sefer Torah to beseech Hashem Yisboraich to send me my freedom speedily.

    In the email, the Yid wrote of our nation “[We are] a nation of Chavairim. Some with electric boosters in their trunks, others say Tehilim for patients they never met…” To which I add “still others join together to help free a Yid stuck in a place called prison.”

    The Yid continued “A flat tire isn’t a problem if there are other Jews around – nothing is a problem if there are other Jews around!”  And being freed from a place called prison isn’t a problem when there are other Jews around. My heartfelt thanks for uniting in action in my time of need!

    The Ari Hakodoish instituted the practice of reciting, prior to Davening, “Haraini mekabel olai Mitzvois Asai shel veOhavtoh le’Rai’acho komoicho.” The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch explains that every Yid has his Zechuyois, so before we Daven we tap into the merits of others, connecting with them so that all our Tefillois unite to find favor in Hashem’s eyes. We rely on each other.

    Another reason brought in Seforim: When children are united with each other and ask something of their father, their father will fulfil their request even if they are not deserving because of the great Nachas he has seeing his children united as one.

    Surely Hashem will respond to these efforts and your unity and in His Kindness return me to my family!

    In the spirit of continuously striving for more Kedusha, let us try in the 24 hours until the Siyum Sefer Toirah to double the number of participants.

    If you have already participated, please take a moment to encourage others to do so. If you are able to participate but have not yet found the time, please find the few minutes to add your name and those of your family to the thousands already participating.

    My heartfelt thanks to you in advance! Let us together shake the heavens through Toirah, Tefilah, and Tzedaka and we will see our Yeshuah B’Koroiv!

    Hashem Yisboraich should give you all his Brochois in Gashmiyus and Ruchniyus in a revealed good way!





    Sholom Mordechai Halevi ben Rivkoh sheyichye 🙂



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