Springfield Chabad Holds Annual Fundraiser




    Springfield Chabad Holds Annual Fundraiser

    Each year, Chabad of Springfield, directed by Rabbi Mendy and Sara Turen, hold one major fundraiser to help cover their annual budget • Full Story, Donate

    Each year, Chabad of Springfield, directed by Rabbi Mendy and Sara Turen, hold one major fundraiser to help cover their annual budget.


    As they continue to grow as a community, thank G-d, so do the expenses – particularly with the new location and recently revamped security.

    Today, they stand ready, with your help, to continue building the community and implementing the many exciting plans for the coming year.

    Today YOU have the power to help them reach the next level. Generous matchers will match your donation over the course of a 24 hour period. This means, every dollar raised is worth $3, $10 is worth $30, $100 is worth $300 etc.

    Partner with Chabad of Springfield to help augment and further develop the Jewish programming in Springfield and its surrounding areas, as well as make contact with even more unaffiliated Jews in the area.

    The goal: To prepare Springfield, IL for Moshiach!



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