Rabbi Kanievsky: “The Messiah is Already Here”




    Rabbi Kanievsky: “The Messiah is Already Here”

    During a condolence call in Bnei Brak, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky promised a grieving father whose son had just passed away, “The redemption is closer than ever” • Full Article

    During a condolence call in Bnei Brak, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a leading authority in mainstream Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, promised a grieving father whose son had just passed away, “The redemption is closer than ever”.

    It was reported in Kooker, a Hebrew language Orthodox news service, that Rabbi Kanievsky approached the bereaved man, who asked the rabbi, “How can you console me, when my dear son left behind ten orphans?”

    Rabbi Kanievsky answered him, “Don’t be sad. The Messiah is already here. He will reveal himself very soon and your son will see his children again.”

    The grieving father took comfort in Rabbi Kanievsky’s words, Kooker wrote.

    It was reported last July that Rabbi Kanievsky predicted the Messiah would come this year since it is the year after a Shmittah (sabbatical) year. According to an ancient Jewish tradition quoted in the Talmud, the Oral Law, the Messiah will come in the year after the seven-year Shmittah cycle ends. This year in the Hebrew calendar will end on the evening of October 2.


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    1. Yitzchak Mordechai

      Plz G-d send King Messiah Now !! Amen Amen 2 Reb Chaim Kanievsky’s words. He is a Gr8 Gadol BaTorah & we have 2 take seriously what he says, no question about it, however it’s interesting where in the Gemara does it say that Moshiach will come in the year after Shmita ? Also about Tchias HaMaysim, we know that, it will be 40 yrs after Moshiach comes, so 2 say he will see his son, yes but not right away when Moshiach comes, whatever the case is, may his words be fulfilled right away now !! Thank u 4 sharing !!

    2. if you read and learnt the sichas.....

      the Rebbe MHM says that it happens immediately! v’ameach kulam tzaddikim….

    3. To comment #2

      Plz say what your referring to, when u say “it happens immediately “, what are you talking about ? Thank u

    4. "where in the Gemara does it say that Moshiach will come in the year after Shmita ?"

      Please see Sanhedrin 97a and quoted in the Rebbe’s Sicha here http://www.otzar770.com/library/display_page.asp?nPageNumber=82&cPartLetter=B&nBookId=34&refrashBookNav=Y (2nd paragraph.

    5. To comment # 4

      Thank u for the sources, very much appreciated.

    6. Viktor

      Why are we waiting. The condition of MoShIaCh is here. It is within our hearts. All Jews should act as Mishiach. The time has come for redemption. We must speak our prayers with the cinviction of Moshiach. We must ignite the Holy sparks in the hearts of all the people of the world. Pray for the benefit of all of HASHEM’S creations.

      Whe Moshe recieved the Torah, the sparks were ignited in all the hearts of Israel. It is time to ignite them again to bring about the redemption of Moshiach. Baruch Hashem!

    7. Yosef Yehudah

      May Mashiach be crowned speedily soon !!
      Amen v’ amen to your words Arab Kanievsky

    8. Sar Hapanim

      I made sure to “announce my presence” at the time of his prediction online when I read this Article from Breaking israel news I believe.

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