Shock and Horror in 770: What Actually Happened?




    Shock and Horror in 770: What Actually Happened?

    It is hard to believe that the events of this afternoon, (Monday), actually took place in reality, but it seems that reality exceeds all imagination. A group of unruly rioters destroyed the wall with their own hands, confronted the police who came to put order in the place, and did not stop the unrestrained riot until they were arrested by the police, and finally caused the closure of the Zal of 770 • Full Story, Photos

    By Chabadinfo Staff

    It is hard to believe that the events of this afternoon, (Monday), actually took place in reality, but it seems that reality exceeds all imagination. A group of unruly rioters, who have been doing whatever they want for years in Beis Chayeinu – 770, destroyed the wall with their own hands, confronted the police who came to put order in the place, and did not stop the unrestrained riot until they were arrested by the police, and finally caused the closure of the Zal of 770.

    As Chabadinfo has reported at the time, a couple of weeks ago, a tunnel was discovered that was dug without permission from the Rabbonim and the Gabbaim, and done supposedly in the name of the cause of “expanding 770”. The tunnel was dug from the nearby mikvah building, under the Ezras Noshim on Kingston Ave, which led to its closure, since the digging endangered those inside, and those learning there during the week, which is also nearby, because the passage became dangerous.

    After inspecting the damage, the engineer tasked by the Gabbaim decided to fill the tunnel as well as the space under the Kingston Ezras Noshim with cement. This was to allow the reopening of the Ezras Noshim. Indeed, on Monday afternoon the first concrete truck arrived to start the work, after which three more trucks were expected to arrive.

    At this point, when Porkei Ol realized what was happening, they began to destroy the wall that separated the large Zal from the space below the Ezras Noshim. The Mashgiach, Rabbi Blooming tried to stop them from carrying out their plot, was pushed away with a rough hand, and two policemen who tried to stop the crime were also unsuccessful. They did not rest until they brought a hammer and destroyed the wall, both the famous wood paneling and the brick wall behind it.

    More NYPD officers were called to the scene, but their rampage continued, and the officers had to use tear gas to stop the shocking destruction. They finally succeeded in their mission and even led seven of the rioters to be arrested and brought to the 71st precinct in Crown Heights.

    The concrete truck starts work

    The police cleared out the rest of the onlookers, Mispa’alilim and Temimim, and closed the large Zal of 770, not allowing anyone to enter.

    Chabadinfo has learned that the large Zal will remain closed at least until after engineers have checked the extent of the damage caused to the building and after the necessary repairs have been made to ensure the safety of Mispa’alilim.

    There is no Chossid who is not horrified by the sight of the shocking images and videos of the destruction, and there is no Chossid who is not horrified by the fact that a small number of young people allow themselves to do as they please in Beis Chayeinu – the Rebbe’s Shul. 

    Now the heart of Lubavitch hurts even more, when to the sights of destruction is added the news that the place from which light comes out into the world and is closed and locked with a bolt. Not for nothing did Rabbi Braun recite the Possuk posuk “מהרסיך ומחריביך ממך יצאו”…

    Now everyone awaiting for the damage to be repaired so that they can open the Zal for Davening and study, and especially for the steps that the Gabboim and Rabbonim will take to stop this from happening again to put an end to the great Chilul Shem Lubavitch name on an unprecedented scale.


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