Poconos Bochur Injured in Crash Celebrates Miraculous Recovery in 770




    Poconos Bochur Injured in Crash Celebrates Miraculous Recovery in 770

    Photos, Video by Avreimke Eisenshtien for Chabadinfo

    Shneur Zalman Blesofsky, who was seriously injured in a van accident with 12 others. Zalman was released recently from Rehab following months of treatment and celebrated his miraculous recovery in 770-Beis Chayeinu • Full Story, Photos, Video

    Shneur Zalman Blesofsky, who was seriously injured in a van accident with 12 others, while returning from spending Chof Beis Shvat with the Rebbe in 770. Following his accident, Zalman remained in serious condition for a number of weeks, after which he began rapidly recovering. Zalman was released from the hospital after Pesach. He was then transferred to a rehabilitation center where he spent a few weeks continuing his recovery.

    After being released from rehab and visited 770 for Shachris and said Hagomel and Yechi at the Rebbe’s Minyan. After Shachris he held a seudas hodaaha and farbrengen thanking Hashem for his miraculous recovery.


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