Appeals Court Rejects Call To Clarify Ruling In 770 Case




    Appeals Court Rejects Call To Clarify Ruling In 770 Case

    File Photo: Dov Ber Hechtman

    The seemingly never-ending saga of the legal battles over the management of 770 has continued its drama in court. Yesterday, Thursday, the Appeals court rejected the defendant’s (Gabbaim) appeal, without a reason for not clarifying the contradicting ruling • Full Story

    By Chabadinfo Reporter

    The seemingly never-ending saga of the legal battles over the management of 770 has continued its drama in court.

    As previously reported by Chabadinfo, the lawsuit was on behalf of Aguch and Merkos against the Gabbaim and Mispa’alilim demanding they vacate the Shul and gain control of 770, contrary to what was standard for the past 80+ years since the Rebbe Rayatz purchased it and as the Rebbe MH”M originally intended.

    As a refresher, it is known that over the years, contrary rulings have been published, some of which the plaintiffs won and some of which the defendants won. In Iyar 5780, Justice Harriet L. Thompson of the Kings County Surrogate’s Court—who has since been dismissed from her position due to allegations of corruption—ruled that the authority over 770 Eastern Parkway belongs to the petitioners ‘Agudas Chasidei Chabad’.

    About six months ago, the Appeals Court rejected outright the lawsuit to evacuate the Shul, and ruled that it is not the court’s jurisdiction to determine who should be the Gabbaim. At the same time, from that ruling itself, it can be understood that the Gabbaim must evacuate the Shul.

    Both the plaintiffs and defendants saw the ruling as a victory. Therefore, the Gabbaim asked the Apeals court to clarify its ruling.

    Yesterday, Thursday, the Appeals court rejected the defendant’s (Gabbaim) appeal, without a reason for not clarifying the contradicting ruling.

    Therefore, it seems that the lawyers of the Gabbaim will appeal to a higher court, in order for them to clarify the verdict.

    It should be noted, that the latest ruling has no practical effect since the previous ruling leaves the management of the Shul in their hands.


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