Fighting the Liberal Movement




    Fighting the Liberal Movement

    As we are all settling down from the excitement and Simcha of the release of Rabbi Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin, I personally still have a question that has been gnawing at me. Written by R’ Yitzchok BaschFull Article

    Written by R’ Yitzchok Basch

    As we are all settling down from the excitement and Simcha of the release of Rabbi Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin, I personally still have a question that has been gnawing at me.

    How is it that such a blatant perversion of justice was so successful and only after eight years of Shalom Mordechai’s imprisonment coupled with a miracle, was Shalom Mordechai let free?

    Even if the prosecutors and Judge Reade were out to get him, how did the appeals court validate their ruling? Furthermore, recently a second motion was filed in which it was clearly shown through testimony and documentation that the prosecutors scared off potential buyers of the plant. That motion was also denied.

    We have also recently witnessed open hostility in the Obama administration towards Eretz Yisroel. Although Obama was a fan of the Muslim world he had the support of the American establishment behind him.

    I think that if we are honest with ourselves, we would realize that Jews face a danger from the growing left wing liberal movement in America. This movement is unfriendly to religion in general and promotes many ideas that are the antithesis of Judaism.

    Is there anything that we can do about this?

    The Rebbe would continuously speak about the Halacha in Rambam, which states; “And so too Moshe Rabeinu was commanded by Hashem to enforce that all the nations of the world accept the Mitzvahs of Noach.” The Rebbe encouraged and demanded that Jews should teach gentiles about the Sheva Mitzvos bnei Noach.”

    The Rebbe explained that although we don’t find that in previous generations that Jews taught non-Jews about the Sheva Mitzvos, this is because in those times it was dangerous for Jews to speak to their acquaintances about Sheva Mitzvos, however, in our times not only is there not a danger but the non-Jew will be thankful to the Jew for his encouragement.

    I remember a farbrengen where the Rebbe passionately spoke about how when a Jew has a business meeting with a Gentile, the purpose of the meeting should not only be for Parnossa but also that he should teach the Gentile about the Sheva Mitzvos of Noach.

    I would like to suggest that if the religious community would heed this edict of the Rambam, we surely would have an effect on the direction of our country regarding these crucial issues.


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