Bidding “Adieu” To The Old Year




    Bidding “Adieu” To The Old Year

    By Rabbi Yehoshua S. Hecht Beth Israel Chabad of Westport/Norwalk, CT  There is something very special about the Jewish calendar year. Especially its beginning. The Jewish New Year 5784, that celebrates the Creation of the Universe, begins this Sabbath, and continues through Sunday at nightfall • Full Article

    By Rabbi Yehoshua S. Hecht Beth Israel Chabad of Westport/Norwalk, CT There is something very special about the Jewish calendar year. Especially its beginning.
    The Jewish New Year 5784, that celebrates the Creation of the Universe, begins this Sabbath,
    and continues through Sunday at nightfall.
    Jewish People throughout the world, residing on every continent, observe with dedication  the first two-days of the year as being Rosh Hashanah. In Israel too. Rosh Hashanah is observed as
    being a two-day observance. So, it has been for thousands of years and will continue to be so
    until the Messiah arrives.
    Thus, Rosh Hashanah is referred to as being a Yoma Ariktha – a long day, i.e., a forty-eight hour observance, for Rosh Hashanah is observed for two days.
    The Sages inform us that “Lo Adieu Rosh.” That the first day of the Jewish New Year never
    begins on a Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday. (Tur: Shulchan Aruch- Orech Chaim: 428). Why this
    is, for another me, so as not to complicate the message.
    The three Hebrew letters of Aleph, Dalet, Vov, when pronounced as a word, is very much similar
    in sound, to the French word “Adieu” that translates as goodbye.
    It is providential  indeed that the Rosh Hashanah holiday is not a  me to dwell on saying
    goodbye to the old year, on the past, on history alone, rather it is me to dwell on the New Year
    and the potential  for new accomplishments and attainment in the coming year.
    Rosh Hashanah is the general commitment of accepting the Sovereignty of Al-might G-D upon
    us and coming to renewed energy and life afforded to us with the advent of the New year.
    Indeed, let us not dwell on the past year alone as the statement of our Sages says it all. “Lo
    Adieu Rosh” – Rosh Hashanah is a me not for goodbye but rather looking forward.
    The rectifications required and repair of the past misdeeds are the days of repentance that
    conclude with YOM KIPPUR.
    Rosh Hashanah is the me to be looking forward and acting positive by accepting with new
    energy and commitment the observance of the Torah and Mitzvah commandments and
    committing ourselves to our Peoplehood, that enables us to repair the world and to contribute
    to the tikkun olom that is needed. So, within the last days of the old year – we bid you adieu,
    au revoir – farewell and goodbye.
    May the blessings of the New Year 5784 begin for a good and sweet year for all of Israel and
    the humanity, Amen.


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