Two Satmar Rebbe’s Receive New Sefer on Esrogim




    Two Satmar Rebbe’s Receive New Sefer on Esrogim

    In recent years some Rabbanim have raised questions regarding the purity of Calabrian esrogim, in a fascinating newly released book, “Esrogim in Halacha, the Calabrian Esrog Tradition” Chabad author, Rabbi Eliyahu Matusof, counters their arguments and addresses this issue in depth • Full Story, Photos

    In recent years some Rabbanim have raised questions regarding the purity of Calabrian esrogim, which is the type of esrog that the Chabad Rabbeim and Chabad Chasidim have bentched on for generations. The custom of the Rabbeim was to specifically bentch on a Calabrian Esrog as opposed to one from another region. Some who voiced concerns have even written articles against the minhag of bentching on a Calabrian Esrog.

    In a fascinating newly released book, “Esrogim in Halacha, the Calabrian Esrog Tradition” Chabad author, Rabbi Eliyahu Matusof, counters their arguments and addresses this issue in depth.

    Among the topics he discusses:

    How was it known throughout the years that a Calabria Esrog is not murkov (hybrid)?

    What is the advantage of the esrog grown in Calabria over esrogim grown elsewhere? Aren’t they all the same esrog fruit that the Torah commanded?

    How do we know that the location that the Rabbanim of previous generations described as “Chezkas Kashrus” is the same place where the esrogim are grown today?

    ‘Esrogim in Halacha’, answers many questions about Calabria esrogim, including methods of determining Murkovim and present-day supervision. The book documents all references and all responses from all of the Chabad Rabbeim regarding Calabrian esrogim.

    The book also includes a special section of photos of the Rebbe holding and handing out esrogim throughout the years. Alongside them are many photos of picking esrogim in Calabria.

    The book was written with the aim of encouraging and strengthening the bentching on a Calabria esrog, as it is known that this matter was very close to the heart of the Rebbe, and the previous Rabbeim.

    Rabbi Matusof, who researches and edits Chasidic Seforim and has written on Halacha, also presented the book to the Satmar Rebbe in Williamsburg, who welcomed the author and discussed at length the contents of the book. During the discussion, the Satmar Rebbe displayed a keen knowledge of the Alter Rebbe’s piskei dinim on esrogim.



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    1. AR

      BSD Any possibility of the author or someone translating it into English and other languages?

    2. Beautiful

      Such a kiddush Lubavitch

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    Two Satmar Rebbe’s Receive New Sefer on Esrogim


