The American Move To Establish A Port On The Shores Of Gaza




    The American Move To Establish A Port On The Shores Of Gaza

    The American move to establish a port on the shores of Gaza is expected to be implemented in the coming weeks. The plan will allow the entry of about 300 “aid containers” into the Gaza Strip, compared to the 30 trucks that enter today • Full Story

    Joe Biden’s dramatic move to establish a port on the Gaza coast is raising eyebrows faster than expected. An American delegation that toured the northern Gaza Strip last month, which included American officers, located a point on the coastline in northern Gaza – where the port is expected to be built that will allow the introduction of monetary aid to the Strip. In the first phase, a berth will be established, through which it will be possible to bring the aid that will be first checked in Cyprus.

    The aid will first be delivered via landings, until the pier is established that will allow the transfer of aid via barges. This is so that it will be possible to bring up to 300 containers a day, which will bring a great deal of “aid” to the Strip. For comparison, today 30 trucks enter the strip every day. According to the current plan, the transfer of “aid” by means of landings could begin already in the coming weeks.

    The big challenge expected as part of the move is how to secure the cargo and its distribution. At first it will be done by bodies that belong to American agencies. After that, international bodies that will be responsible for this will intervene. Israel will probably establish a local Gazan force, which will probably be made up of P.A. members, which will lead the civilian administration.



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    1. Dovid

      This is a horrible move and a big waste of money when America is in big debt

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