Hundreds Celebrate Lag B’Omer in Great Neck




    Hundreds Celebrate Lag B’Omer in Great Neck

    Hundreds of boys and girls gathered Lag B’omer evening to join a Hakhel event and bonfire in honor of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai at the Magen Israel of Great Neck headed by Rabbi Yitzchok Chaympour • Full Story, Photos

    Hundreds of boys and girls gathered Lag B’omer evening to join a Hakhel event and bonfire in honor of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai at the Magen Israel of Great Neck headed by Rabbi Yitzchok Chaympour.

    The event began with the recitation of the 12 Pesukim and the proclamation of Yechi, followed by a juggling and fire show by ‘Der Geller‘ and Rabbi Eliyahu Ezagui, after a few words from Rabbi Chaympour, dancing began around the bonfire with lively music.






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