Empire Shtiebel Acquires Next Door Property




    Empire Shtiebel Acquires Next Door Property

    Mazel Tov! Empire Shtiebel, from the busiest Shul’s in Crown Heights has acquired the adjacent property to facilitate the expansion of the Shul • Full Story

    Empire Shtiebel, arguably the second busiest Shul in Crown Heights after 770, has acquired the adjacent property to facilitate the expansion of the synagogue.

    Today, Crown Heights residents and congregants of the Shul, Shimon Rosenblum and R’ Moshe Suskind, finalized the purchase of the neighboring building. The transaction was orchestrated by local businessman Laivi Freundlich.

    Empire Shtiebel, known for attracting Mispalelim from around the Sichuan and offering a mens Mikvah at an affordable price, is poised to enlarge its premises to accommodate a larger Shul, Mikvah, and Ezras Nashim.


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    1. Zalman r

      Super cool! it was getting too small!

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