During Corona, Tanya Printed in Corona




    During Corona, Tanya Printed in Corona

    As the world is still affected by the Corona Virus, a Tanya has been printed in a special place for the first time – Corona, Queens. Directed by Rabbi Eli Blokh, Shliach of Rego Park and Corona, many activities have been added to the Shlichus in recent years • Full Story, Photos

    As the world is still affected by the Corona Virus, a Tanya has been printed in a special place for the first time – Corona, Queens.

    Directed by Rabbi Eli Blokh, Shliach of Rego Park and Corona, many activities have been added to the Shlichus in recent years.

    Rabbi Yaakov Zevulun Horvitz has been working primarily with the teenagers of the area, since he joined the team of Shluchim to Rego Park and Corona a few years ago. Over recent weeks he organized for Bochurim from 770 to visit many homes, bringing Yiddishkeit to the many Yidden of the area.

    Rabbi Yaakov Wilansky together with 770 Bochurim, Chaim Grossbaum and Avremi Raichik, organized the Tanya printing today in Corona, as well as in a number of other neighborhoods in Queens, NY.

    This project has been in the works on for many months, and were finally ready during the Shiva of the Shluchim’s daughter, who unfortunately passed away at a very young age. The Tanya’s are being printed Liulei Nishmas the Shlucha, Chaya Feiga Blokh, OB”M.




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