Chicago Beware: Frum-Looking Missionaries




    Chicago Beware: Frum-Looking Missionaries

    To all Chicago Anash: to answer the rumors, it is true that a couple moved into the Chicago community in the purpose of proselytizing. Through enormous Hashgacha Protis, they were discovered. Rabbonim in Williamsburg and here in Chicago have spoken with them and confirmed what was discovered • Full Story

    To all Chicago Anash: to answer the rumors, it is true that a couple moved into the Chicago community in the purpose of proselytizing.

    Through enormous Hashgacha Protis, they were discovered. Rabbonim in Williamsburg and here in Chicago have spoken with them and confirmed what was discovered.

    Everyone is advised not to talk to them. Please do not be a hero or know-it-all, even if you may have met them and think they’re nice. They are confirmed missionaries.

    They have ties to the international group: Global Gates. They go by different names, but here as David and Rivka.

    She for sure isn’t Jewish and he it is not clear as he keeps changing his last name. He is currently working in a Jewish supermarket, in a position which has no effect on its kashrus and we are working with the managers, for further action. As of now they should not be allowed in any Shul and no one should approach them.


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    1. Boruch Hoffinger

      Jewish Law States ‘Moshiach’ must be from ‘Shevat Yehuda.’
      Every honest, educated Jew knows this.
      I would talk to them about ‘The Noahide Laws.’
      I’m currently supporting two Noahides. One in
      Norway, the other in Kentucky.
      We have a friendship.

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