711 Iranian Jews In Israel Undergo Second Bris Milah




    711 Iranian Jews In Israel Undergo Second Bris Milah

    It was recently discovered in Israel that the brissim carried out for many Jews from the city of Shiraz and other areas were not performed according to halacha, said Rav Aryeh Amit, a mohel who works for the organization Bris Yosef Yitzchak, an international non-profit organization that provides a free bris milah for any Jew worldwide • Full Story

    Yeshiva World News

    Hundreds of Jews in Israel from Iran underwent a second bris milah according to the p’sak of HaGaon HaRav Shlomo MachpudKol B’Rama Radio reported.

    It was recently discovered in Israel that the brissim carried out for many Jews from the city of Shiraz and other areas were not performed according to halacha, said Rav Aryeh Amit, a mohel who works for the organization Bris Yosef Yitzchak, an international non-profit organization that provides a free bris milah for any Jew worldwide.

    HaRav Machpud paskened that the Jews had to undergo a second bris milah and 711 Iranian Jews eventually underwent the procedure.

    Radio host Avi Maimon spoke about the issue and HaRav Machpud’s p’sak on Kol B’Rama Radio. One of the listeners was a 71-year-old frum Iranian Jew who feared that the p’sak applied to him but understandably had great fears about going under the knife. But after he went to HaRav Machpud, who paskened that he was an arel d’oroiysa, he underwent the procedure the next day.


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