12 New Tanyas Printed in Chicago Brought to The Rebbe’s Library




    12 New Tanyas Printed in Chicago Brought to The Rebbe’s Library

    Recently, Rabbi Moscowitz printed 12 Tanya editions throughout Chicago. This week, one of each edition was brought to the Rebbe’s library presented by Zelig Newman the grandson of the late Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz • Full Story, Photos

    Recently, Rabbi Moscowitz printed 12 Tanya editions throughout Chicago. This week, one of each edition was brought to the Rebbe’s library presented by Zelig Newman the grandson of the late Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz.

    They gifted a number of them to R’ Zalman Chanin of Va’ad L’hafotzas Sichos, who has a massive Tanya collection, including nearly every one of 8,000 editions of Tanya printed since the time of the Alter Rebbe.


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