From the Rebbe’s Pen: Not Because They’re Chassidim; Despite It…




    From the Rebbe’s Pen: Not Because They’re Chassidim; Despite It…

    Chabadinfo in collaboration with Beis Moshiach Magazine presents: From the Rebbe’s Pen, a series featuring a weekly letter or ma’aneh (response) from the Rebbe MH”M  The Rebbe’s answer to a woman who complained about the way certain Chassidim behaved • Full Article

    The Rebbe’s answer to a woman who complained about the way certain Chassidim behaved:

    מובן שההנהגה הבלתי רצוי’ של האנשים שכותבת אודותם היא לא מפני שהם חסידים אלא אדרבא למרות שהם חסידים כי החסידות דורשת ובתוקף הנהגה חסידותית, בדרכי נועם ושלום, לפנים משורת הדין, קיום הציווי ואהבת לרעך כמוך ועוד.


    It is obvious that the undesirable behavior of the people of which you write is not because they are Chassidim, but to the contrary: it isdespite them being Chassidim. This is so because Chassidus demandsof its adherents, and strongly so, a Chassidishe way of behavior, i.e., that matters be conducted in a pleasant and peaceful way, going beyond the letter of the law, fulfilling the commandment of “Loving your fellow man as yourself” and more such expectations.


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