From The Rebbe’s Pen: Is “Mashke” A Chassidic Way?




    Seder Nashim

    From The Rebbe’s Pen: Is “Mashke” A Chassidic Way?

    Chabadinfo in collaboration with Beis Moshiach Magazine presents: From the Rebbe’s Pen, a series featuring a weekly letter or ma’aneh (response) from the Rebbe MH”M A Chassidic author prepared an article about the drinking of mashke among Chassidim, and began with the words, “Gold was only created for the Beis HaMikdash, and mashke was only created for Chassidim.” • Full Article

    A Chassidic author prepared an article about the drinking of mashke among Chassidim, and began with the words, “Gold was only created for the Beis HaMikdash, and mashke was only created for Chassidim.”  After writing the reference from Medrash Rabba for the first quote, the Rebbe responded to the second quote thus:

    ליצנות – ומהו החיבור לדרז”ל להבדיל

    This is leitzanus [= drollery, mockery] — and what is the connection of this to the words of Chazal l’havdil?

    The article continued, “One of the ways of Chassidus is that Chassidim gather and have some mashke…” The Rebbe circled the first phrase and remarked:

    המקור ע”ז [על זה] בדברי נשיאי החסידות?! ועיין בלקו”ד [בלקוטי דיבורים] תשיט סע”ב [סוף עמוד ב’].

    Can you present the source for this in the words of the leaders of Chassidus?! Study deeply what is wrriten in Likkutei Dibburim p. 719, end of side b.

    [There, the Rebbe Rayatz says that “Sitting together at a comradely farbrengen… is one vital pillar in the spiritual lifestyle of Chassidim, and this is traditionally accompanied by a drop of mashke. Now, surely the very notion of mashke should have been out of the question: what connection could Chassidim possibly have with strong drink? After all, Chassidus is basically intellective; even when it gives rise to spiritual emotions, these emotive middos are guided by the intellect!” —From the English edition, Vol. 5, Chapter 40b:4]


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