From The Rebbe’s Pen: In Publishing, Beware Of Possible Misinterpretations




    Seder Nashim

    From The Rebbe’s Pen: In Publishing, Beware Of Possible Misinterpretations

    Chabadinfo in collaboration with Beis Moshiach Magazine presents: From the Rebbe’s Pen, a series featuring a twice-weekly letter or ma’aneh (response) from the Rebbe MH”M • The Rebbe’s advice to a young man whose return to Yiddishkeit wasn’t appreciated by his family • Full Article

    For the Adar 5743 (March 1983) issue of the Talks and Tales (#510), R’ Nissan Mindel prepared highlights of that month’s parshiyos starting with Parshas Vayakhel. Included in the highlights was the Torah’s command that even when constructing the Mishkan, Shabbos must be observed.

    He then added a paragraph explaining that “although the Shabbos had to be strictly observed in connection with the construction of the Mishkan, it was only insofar as the construction of the Mishkna was concerned. After the Mishkan was completed and the daily Divine service began in it, the Shabbos no longer took precedence over the Mishkan; everything connected with the Divine service, including keeping the fire burning on the altar, lighting the menorah and so on, had to also be done on Shabbos.”

    The Rebbe instructed that the paragraph be deleted, because:

    הת’ הרעים יפרשוהו כהיתר לההנהגה בהטעמפלס בש”ק

    “The ‘evil students’ will interpret this as a permit for the conduct practiced in the temples [i.e., Reform, Conservative etc.] on Shabbos Kodesh” in direct violation of the laws of Shabbos.

    (It seems that in the phrase “evil students” the Rebbe is paraphrasing the Mishna (Avos 1:11) that says: “Scholars, be careful with your words. For you may be exiled to a place inhabited by evil elements [who will distort your words to suit their negative purposes] and the students who come after you will then drink of these evil waters and be destroyed, and the Name of Heaven will be desecrated.”)


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