Update on Rabbi Schwei’s Condition




    Update on Rabbi Schwei’s Condition

    Baruch Hashem, there is a positive update on the condition of the Mara D’asra Harav Aharon Yaacov Schwei, who is hospitalized with the Coronavirus. The public is asked to continue davening for Harav Aharon Yaacov Ben Bunya • Full Story

    Written by Mrs. Shternie Ginsberg, Shlucha of Boro Park, regarding the current situation with her father, Rabbi Aharon Yaacov Schwei, Mara D’asra of Crown Heights.

    Dearest Community,

    Our hearts are overwhelmed with gratitude and we are begging Hashem that every single person who has hospitalized family members should get the miraculous phone call that we just got.

    Boruch Hashem, Rabbi Schwei is off the respirator and breathing!!!

    With the support of lots of oxygen… and with a long road still ahead, but this a huge, positive development. 

    The doctors are calling this a miracle.

    Thank you for your wholehearted and constant Tefillos that have surely aroused Hashem’s incredible Rachamim.

    We trust that Hashem who brought Rabbi Schwei this far, will grant him complete health, along with every person who needs the same miracle!!

    And may we celebrate this Pesach long after the Hisgalus of Moshiach Tzidkeinu, with every member of Klal Yisroel healthy, with no more tears of sorrow, ever, with every broken heart healed, and with all of us dancing with joy!!!


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