Ohr Menachem Boys Receive Their First Siddur at Elaborate ‘Siddur Party’




    Seder Nashim

    Ohr Menachem Boys Receive Their First Siddur at Elaborate ‘Siddur Party’

    Photos by Oded Kaizerman for Chabadinfo

    The Pre 1A class of Cheder Ohr Menachem of Crown Heights, celebrated their Hakhel Siddur Party on Sunday Rosh Chodesh Sivan, followed by an elaborate celebration with the parents at the Eshel Hall of Crown Heights • Full Story, Photos

    The Kinderlach of Pre1alef – Cheder Ohr Menachem have been preparing so much for this auspicious occasion and now …we are finally here!

    Every morning since the beginning of the year Talmidim are greeted by their Melamed Rabbi Tzemach Willanski and R’ Levi Nemirovski for a very special start! The type that sets the tome for their learning ‘Kriah’ with our veteran Mechanech Rabbi Yitzchok Fuchs .

    Finally, the day has come… Led by the afternoon Melamed Rabbi Mendel Fischer alongside the other Mechanchim, the kinder head towards Beis Rabbeinu 770 to daven their first tefillah near the Rebbe’s Heilige room!

    A short hachana farbrengen with the Menahel Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz before their first tefilla in their new siddur in Gan Eden Hatachton. Then a heart-felt tefilla that their tefillos should be niskabel, and they should grow Chassidishe ‘Ovdei Hashem’. They went downstairs for a joyous Rikud in the main shul.

    Festivities then continued as they reached the Eshel Hall for the official celebration to begin. Tremendous excitement was felt in the air as the chassanim of the Chagigas Siddur, the Pre1Alef Kinderlach made their official entrance.

    Greeting the parents was Rabbi Zalman Goldstein who emceed the ‘Mesibas Siddur’.

    The children then received Birkas Kohanim from the Menahel Hamosdos Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hakohen Hendel followed by singing and dancing. Each boy then received their very own siddur and a piece of a specially made cake from their melamed.

    “The talmidim came out of the event eagerly looking forward to a lifelong journey of limud hatorah with the strong foundations of yiras shamayim,” Rabbi Yusewitz shared with Chabadinfo. “They are already davening and storming the heavens to bring the hisgalus of the Rebbe now!”



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