We Already Know the Script




    We Already Know the Script

    Why did Mattan Torah demand a total concealment of Moshe Rabbeinu that left room for the Jewish people to think that he passed away? Why does there need to be this concealment of the teacher before the great revelation of Torah? Written by Rabbi Gershon Avtzon • Full Article

    Why did Mattan Torah demand a total concealment of Moshe Rabbeinu that left room for the Jewish people to think that he passed away? Why does there need to be this concealment of the teacher (which seemingly is contrary to teaching) before the great revelation of Torah?

    The Rebbe (Likkutei Sichos Vol. 2 pg. 360) explains – and the explanation goes for the general concealment of Galus as well – with an interesting parable:

    There was once a teacher that prepared a lesson for his students. Because of his caring for his students, he really thought about and prepared the lesson in a way that the students would fully grasp the lesson.

    Then, in the middle of the lesson, the teacher had a Eureka moment. With this new idea the teacher feels that he will be able to develop a whole new approach of teaching for his students. Yet the teacher is afraid that if he does not stop the lesson and go to a private room to focus on and develop this novel idea, it will be lost.

    Thus, out of love and care for his students, the teacher stops the lesson and focuses on the new thought. At that point, the students may feel abandoned and lost, yet those students that realized how much their teacher loves them – and understand that he would never “leave his flock unattended” – do not let this period of isolation disrupt their connection to their teacher. On the contrary, they anxiously await the new revelation which will be revealed by the teacher on his return.

    The lesson of this analogy is clear. Mattan Torah was not just Moshe teaching us another lesson of Hashem’s wisdom. He was receiving a whole new approach to serving Hashem. At that point, the barriers that separated the physical world from being a vessel for spirituality were broken. Hashem was giving over his essence, “Anna Nafshi Kesavis Yehavis,” to the Jewish people. It is understood that to receive this properly, Moshe had to be focused on receiving it – and internalizing it – properly. This demanded a separation – and concealment – from his students, the B’nei Yisroel.

    The same is true in the times before Moshiach.

    Moshiach is ready to reveal the deepest secrets of the Torah. With the giving over of the “Torah Chadasha,” the entire world will be transformed forever. The truth and purpose of creation will be revealed to all and felt by all. It will be the ultimate revelation that Hashem – and the whole creation – has been waiting for since the inception of the entire universe. It is clear that to be ready to give over such a revelation, there needs to be a period of focus – and concealment – of the teacher.

    Yet, we Chassidim must remain strong! We already know the script. We know what happens when one loses faith in the words of Moshe. The after-effects of the “cheit ha’eigel” are still felt till this day. We – the Dor HaShvii – are the Shevet Levi and we must remain strong in our faith in the words and prophecy of our Rebbe. May we be zocheh to see the Hisgalus of the Rebbe, Now!


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