Davening At a Slower Pace than the Minyan




    Davening At a Slower Pace than the Minyan

    New question on AskTheRav.com: Most minyonim daven very fast and I’m a slow davener. I’m familiar with the Rebbe’s horaah that one needs only to begin with the minyan, and doesn’t have to run after them. See the rest of the question, and Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun‘s response Full Story

    Question: Most minyonim daven very fast and I’m a slow davener. I’m familiar with the Rebbe’s horaah that one needs only to begin with the minyan, and doesn’t have to run after them.

    If I recall correctly, Reb Nissen once told me that one can begin before the minyan in order to meet up with them by Shemoneh Esrei.

    1. Regarding Mincha: Is it better to begin Shemoneh Esrei while the minyan is beginning ashrei (and miss kadish), in order to finish in time to say kedusha.
    2. Regarding Maariv: I’m holding right before Shemoneh Esrei, and the chazan is already saying kadish tiskabel (after Shemoneh Esrei), may I answer the first half of that kaddish? Since there usually is a half Kaddish there.

    Answer: 1. Regarding mincha (according to all opinions) it is better to start Shemoneh Esrei with the minyan and miss kedushah than to begin earlier than the minyan and miss kadish after ashrei. Ideally, you should listen to a kedushah from a different minyan if possible).

    2. You should answer only “Amen Yahei Shmei Rabah…” and Amen for “Da’amiran B’almal”.


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