Rabbi Shmuel Rodal, OBM




    Seder Nashim

    Rabbi Shmuel Rodal, OBM

    We are saddened to report on the passing of Rabbi Shmuel HaKohen Rodal OBM, longtime Shliach and educator and rabbi of the Beth Shlomo Synagogue in Milan, Italy. He was zoche to pick Esrogim for the Rebbe


    By Chabadinfo Reporter

    A Montreal native, Rabbi Shmuel Rodal was the son of Rabbi Yosef and Feiga Rodal, the shluchim of the Rebbe Rayatz to Montreal.

    He was a student at Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim in Kfar Chabad under the mashpia Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Keselman. Later he was deeply involved with Camp Gan Yisroel in Parksville, New York.

    After his marriage to Devora Munitz, the daughter of Rabbi Yisroel Meir Munitz a”h in Tammuz 5728, he learned in the Kollel under the auspices of the Rebbe’s mazkirus in Crown Heights.

    The Rebbe chose for him to go to Milan, Italy on shlichus. Staring out as an educator, then appointed as Rabbi of the Beth Shlomo Synagogue, a position he held for nearly fifty years.

    In 5736, he was chosen to pick the Rebbe’s Esrogim together with Rabbi Moshe Lazar.

    He is survived by his wife Mrs. Devorah Rodal, and over 100 children, grandchildren and great grand children. Children Mrs. Brocho Leah Sasonkin – Shlucha in Metula, Eretz Yisroel; Rabbi Levi Yitzchok – Crown Heights, NY; Mrs. Chanele Lavine – Johannesburg, South Africa; Mrs. Dinele Polichenco – Shluca in S. Diego, California; R’ Zali Rodal – London, UK; Mrs. Zeldi Richter – Shlucha in Howard Beach, NY; Rabbi Berele Rodal – Shliach in Johannesburg, South Africa; Rabbi Leibele Rodal – Shliach in Montreal, Canada; Mrs. Sorele Brownstein – Shlucha in Davis, California; Rabbi Yisroel Meir Rodal – Milan, Italy; Rabbi Leizer Rodal – Phoenix, Arizona; Mrs. Sonia Hershcovich – Shlucha in Los Cabos, Mexico; Mrs. Mushky Silverstein – Pomona, NY; Mrs. Yudis Hyman – Kingston, PA; Rabbi Yossi Rodal – Shliach in Carlsbad, California; Mrs. Frumi Sasonkin – Crown Heights, NY; grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

    He was predeceased by his daughter Reizel Rodal a”h.

    The levaya will pass past Beit Chabad of Milan on Wednesday, Isru Chag, at 8:45am and continue on in Yerusalayim on Thursday at the Shamgar funeral home. The kevura will be on Har Hazeisim.

    Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes


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    1. Shlomo

      BDH, So Sad!
      AD MOSAI!

    2. So sad

      Baruch Dayan Haemes

    3. Dovid

      I am heart broken. Who else,would have, at 1 am,in the morning,when I was driving pass on the motorway, near Milan, after not having seen Rav Shmuel, for 48 years ( I was his pupil in Milan,when I was 6 years old ) welcome me at 1.30am, open up his house to me, serve me cake and drinks and make me feel, like a king ??!!! Only Harav Hatzadik Hachosid, a genius in Chesed HARAV Shmuel ZTL. The world has lost,a Hidden GEM of a CHOSSID, the curtain of our Ark of the Torah, has been torn from this world.

      ( A pupil of Rav Shmuel 50 years ago )

    4. Matthew

      Rodell Family Sort my sauce arrows I’m sorry to hear the loss of schmuel My sympathies from the Gomberg’s family And I’m very sorry you’re always will be in your heart

    5. Brachah

      I’m sorry to hear the loss of your Love your father Matthew call me that your dad passed away My sympathies to you and your family So somewhere sorrows to the family It’s very sad to hear about that

    6. Matthew

      I remember your Father label and muski and laser At label’s daughter’s Celebratio, i danced with him on the dance floor and sang “you got the whole world in his hand” Your Father was a very special man, He will be missed presently, Celebrate good times and bad times let’s remember him the way we should remember him how funny and how funny he was!!!

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