English Sefer Compiled Highlighting The Concept of Rebbe As Moshiach




    English Sefer Compiled Highlighting The Concept of Rebbe As Moshiach

    A new Safer titled “The Pride Of A Believer” was released. The English Sefer is a first in its kind, highlighting the concept of Rebbe As Moshiach • Read More

    By Yitzi Kaner:

    I started to compile this sefer after being in Morristown for semicha. I had many questions always on my mind, I believed with a pretty strong faith in the Rebbe being Moshiach, but was always puzzled by the details. For example although I aimed to believed in chay Vekayam, how do you explain saying Yechi to one who does not necessarily say Yechi, but calls themselves Lubavitch and also believes that “Nosi hador hu Moshiach shebidor? I also felt that hisnagdus to the Tsfatim… I felt was irrational. Why the hate? Don’t we agree on so many things? I grew up in Baltimore where I heard many negative things about the Rebbe. Don’t those who hate realize all supporters of the Rebbe are disagreed upon to a degree? When I was in a Litvish elementary a certain kid attacked me with a hand saw because he knew from his parents of a certain Rav from Bnei Brak, who tried to argue with the Rebbe. Another half attempted to drown me. Things have cooled since then.

    But I wrote this English sefer, to give people a boost in what I believe is the Ikar shlichus. Spreading the fact that not only is Moshiach coming, but we have a Goel as well. And how it all fits. What’s Moshiach without a Goel? I wish I had written more about 5753-4 in the book, but I figured that was obvious to see that the Rebbe encouraged Yechi. Nowadays there are some Litvish things I do, but I feel if the Rebbe is Nosi, Novi, Moshiach, it is the shlichus of everyone to spread this, regardless of affiliation, based on what I feel strongly hints this in Chaye Sara 5752. The Pride Of A Believer, is about the pride one feels in knowing the Rebbe will take us out of golus, -in this generation-, (Like it says in Shoftim 5751),
    Learning the subject over and over, bikvius.

    I wrote it as a compilation on purpose. So no one can say I am laying down a svara to exactly why it is as I say it, (which can be argued) rather little bits to soak in and take as ones own pride, thinking it through, and coming to one’s own conclusion. There are other sections to the book as well, Interesting Moshiach Points etc. I finish with these words,

    Yechi Hamelech Hamoshiach!

    The Sefer is available Here.


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