Mivtzoyim is on WhatsApp!




    Seder Nashim

    Mivtzoyim is on WhatsApp!

    With the inspiration of Yud Beis-Gimmel Tammuz , and the coming of Moshiach being ever so imminent; the Nshei Chabad Mivtzoyim committee of Crown Heights is stepping up on activities by offering WhatsApp notifications to all those interested in joining their organized trips • Full Story

    With the inspiration of Yud Beis-Gimmel Tammuz , and the coming of Moshiach being ever so imminent; the Nshei Chabad Mivtzoyim committee of Crown Heights is stepping up on activities by offering WhatsApp notifications to all those interested in joining their organized trips.

    Women and girls who would like to keep informed about the weekly mivtzoyim trips, or who are able to volunteer with driving, can keep updated by sending a WhatsApp message to the following number: 347-768-3643

    For the past 40 years Nshei Chabad has been organizing mivtzoyim. They’ve been going to the streets of New York City, and local supermarkets. They visit senior centers, homes for the aged, as well as centers for people with special needs.

    The visitors share joy and hope, words of Torah and Chassidus, Shabbos and Yom Tov awareness, and opportunities to do more mitzvos; all infused with Moshiach awareness.

    Signing up to receive the WhatsApp messages will put people in the know and give more opportunity for women to join.

    Even women, who have come just to visit Crown Heights, volunteer in the organized Mivtzoyim.

    Chana Morosow, who directs the Mivtzoyim committee is looking forward to the text messaging group. “Those who will not necessarily go out on “Mivtzoyim” can partner in different way, by offering to drive people to or from senior centers and supermarkets.“

    “My car became a Mitzvah tank!” says Rivka Leah Shenitsky, one of the consistent drivers for many years.

    “We’ve been so grateful to the women who have volunteered to drive on behalf of Mivtzoyim free of cost! At times when there are no driving volunteers available, we may pay $200 just on the transportation for a week’s worth of activities. That’s on top of the other expenses for pamphlets, candles, matza, menorahs etc.” says Chana Morosow.

    Esther Dick and Bluma Rappaport, who work on facilitating the daily mivtzoyim group visits, are hoping that the WhatsApp group will “keep people informed about the daily opportunities that are happening right here in the community!“ Esther says that she “looks forward to meet the growing involvement as it will enable us to reach more centers.”

    Active and dedicated volunteers are thankful to the Rebbe for giving them this Shlichus opportunity. Rachel Leah Dagan, an enthusiastic volunteer says she “feels she’s received much more than she gave!”

    “The people wait eagerly for our visits, and there is so much that the women of our community can offer in terms of sharing Torah with warmth and excitement!” says Sheva Schmukler, a Mivtzoyim committee director.

    Mrs. Miri Morosow, who directs the committee of Mivtzoyim on the Go says, “It’s always a good idea to keep spare mivtzoyim material in your purse and car… you just never know who you will meet and who you could inspire. Leave a pamphlet at your doctor’s office etc… Someone may pick it up and get connected.”

    Those who do not have WhatsApp, can text the above number to inform the committee of their interest in joining.

    To obtain Mivtzoyim related materials contact:

    Mrs. Chana Morosow 718-916-2626

    Mrs. Miri Morosow 718-604-3898

    At every Nshei Chabad event, materials are also available for taking.

    Crown Heights Mivtzoyim Contacts:

    Street and Supermarkets Sundays                                       

    Mrs. Miri Morosow 718-604-3898

    Rivka Leah Shenitsky 718-687-7646

    Supermarkets on Yomei Depagra

    Mrs. Nechama Samuels- 718-493-7738

    Mrs. Devory Korf- 718-774-0969

    Senior Centers:

    Mrs. Sheva Schmukler- 347-768-3643

    Mrs. Esther Dick- 917-847-1535


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