Learning Geulah U’Moshiach at BMG In Lakewood




    Learning Geulah U’Moshiach at BMG In Lakewood

    Learning Geulah U’Moshiach is usually associated with the Lubavitch, because the Rebbe championed it. But did you know there is a weekly Moshiach shiur at BMG in Lakewood? Full Story

    Learning Geulah U’Moshiach is usually associated with the Rebbe because the Rebbe championed it.

    But did you know there is a weekly Moshiach shiur at BMG in Lakewood?

    The shiur is given by local yungerleit, as well as visiting Litvishe Rabbonim and Rosh Yeshivahs at ‘Vaad Tzipiyah L’Yeshuah’ in Beth Medrash Govoha. The shiur is then transcribed and distributed to local shuls throughout Lakewood.


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    1. Avremi

      Geulah Times Mamesh!!!

    2. Motti Leider

      Did you know there is a weekly Moshiach Shiur at BMG in Lakewood?
      Because I haven’t….

    3. BMG Student

      Not once is the Rebbe or Chabad mentioned in these wonderful essays! A man sees what he wants to see!

    4. Yanki from Lakewood

      “Learning Geulah U’Moshiach is usually associated with the Lubavitch, because the Rebbe championed it”

      The Chofetz Chaim made a very big deal about moshiach, as did Rav Nosson Wachtfogel Ztl, mashgiach of BMG

      Contrary to the belief of this writer, the idea of tipisa leyishua does not begin and end with the Rebbe ztl

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