Stunning Mikvah Dedicated in Springfield




    Stunning Mikvah Dedicated in Springfield

    Rabbi Mendy and Mrs. Sara Turen, Shluchim to Illinois’ capital of Springfield, welcomed family, friends, and supporters to the grand opening of the Nesenoff Springfield Mikvah on Sunday, Vov Iyar. Photos by Yisroel RambachFull Story, Photos

    Photos by Yisroel Rambach

    Rabbi Mendy and Mrs. Sara Turen, Shluchim to Illinois’ capital of Springfield, welcomed family, friends, and supporters to the grand opening of the Nesenoff Springfield Mikvah on Sunday, Vov Iyar.

    Planning and fundraising began just under two years ago, and construction of the Mikvah, located adjacent to the Turens’ home, continued apace despite the unforeseen circumstances of the past year, with the final drops of rainwater coming in just days ahead of the inauguration ceremony.

    Rabbi Turen thanked the guests from near and far for attending and introduced his father Rabbi Eli Turen, Shliach and Rov of Beis Moshiach Chicago, who read a letter of the Rebbe sent 30 years ago on the occasion of the groundbreaking of a Mikvah in Chicago. Attendees also heard words of inspiration from Rabbi Pesach Scheiner, Shliach to Boulder, Colorado and Rabbi Mordechai Scheiner of Boro Park – Mrs. Turen’s father and grandfather, respectively.

    Rabbi Adam Nesenoff of Boca Raton, Florida spoke about the great zechus of dedicating the Mikvah and the ripple effect this Mitzvah will have on countless generations of Jews. He thanked his wife Chana and parents Rabbi Dr. David and Nancy Nesenoff for helping with this great honor.

    Mrs. Turen then shared some of the highlights of the journey from the dream the couple had upon first arriving in Springfield to a set of blueprints and a budget to the reality of the dazzling Mikvah before their eyes.

    The Mikvah features a beautiful plaque honoring other donors for their contributions, including the enormous assistance of Mikvah USA. Also acknowledged were Mrs. Geulah Deray, who designed the layout of the exquisite and state-of-the-art facility, and Rabbi Yirmiyahu Katz, who provided invaluable guidance throughout the project and under whose hashgacha the Mikvah will operate.

    The Turens look forward to sharing the Springfield Nesenoff Mikvah – and the beautiful Mitzvah of Taharas Hamishpacha – with their beloved community.

    A special thank you to Tikvah Lake Recovery for their help in making this project possible.

    All are invited to join the Virtual Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, scheduled to take place on Sunday, 27 Iyar, RSVP by emailing [email protected].


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