Tonight: Project Chana Power Hour




    Tonight: Project Chana Power Hour

    Join tonight, live at 8:30 PM ET. Project Chana aims to empower women globally with a practical approach to learning the Halachos of Kashrus, Shabbos, and Taharas Hamishpacha, as well as other Halachos pertinent to women • Read More

    Join tonight! Live at 8:30 PM ET – Project Chana aims to empower women globally with a practical approach to learning the halachos of Kashrus, Shabbos, and Taharas Hamishpacha, as well as other halachos pertinent to women. Featuring top of the line teachers the program provides clear, inspiring guidance for fulfilling these mitzvos with strength and beauty.

    Have you ever wanted a practical review on the halachos for women, but the demands of everyday life seemed to get in the way? What if you knew that in just one hour a week, you could come away with practical knowledge that would empower you in these special mitzvos?!

    Announced on Vov Tishrei, Project Chana aims to empower women globally with a practical approach to learning the halachos of Kashrus, Shabbos, and Taharas Hamishpacha. Featuring top of the line teachers, the program provides clear, inspiring guidance for fulfilling these mitzvos with strength and beauty. In response to the urgency brought by the war in Eretz Yisroel, the program’s launch on the 15th of Kislev is dedicated to preparing ourselves and our homes to welcome Moshiach, may it be immediate.

    On Vov Tishrei 5750, the Rebbe explained the connection between these three Mitzvos of women to Rebbetzin Chana’s name:

    “… My mother’s activities are also connected with her name, Chanah. Indeed, our Sages teach that a name helps shape a person’s behavior. The Hebrew letters of Chanah are an acrostic for the three mitzvos which are given over to Jewish women: Lighting Shabbos candles (which brings about an atmosphere of light and peace within the home), Challah (which in a larger sense includes Kashrus in its totality), and Taharas Hamishpachah (this mitzvah brings one children and grandchildren who are occupied with Torah). Thus, her Yahrzeit must motivate everyone to strengthen the performance of these three mitzvos …”

    Baruch Hashem, Project Chana is going strong! Join hundreds of women globally on Tuesdays from 8:30 – 9:30pm ET with renowned teachers: Rabbi Yosef Braun, Mara D’Asra of Crown Heights, Rabbi Shmuel Bluming, Morei Tzedek B’Shchunas Crown Heights and Mrs. Bracha Sternberg, Halacha Teacher in Beis Rivkah Crown Heights, and long time educator.


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