The Key To Chassidus: In-depth Learning Opportunity For Women




    The Key To Chassidus: In-depth Learning Opportunity For Women

    The Rebbe explained that when this ‘toil of the mind’ is done for its own sake and not for the purpose of correcting the emotions, it is the avodah of the times of Moshiach • Read More

    In 1991, the Lubavitcher Rebbe publicly encouraged people to shift to the next level of avodas Hashem by doing avodas hamochin. The Rebbe explained that when this ‘toil of the mind’ is done for its own sake and not for the purpose of correcting the emotions, it is the avodah of the times of Moshiach. The Rebbe stated that this avodah needs to be done now in order to expand the borders of Eretz Yisrael in a peaceful way, and recommended the in-depth study of the Mitteler Rebbe’s Chassidus. 

    In response to the Rebbe’s call, a new women’s group is being formed to study the Mitteler Rebbe’s “Shaar HaYichud” with explanations by Reb Hillel of Paritch. The class will be once a week on Zoom. English translations will be provided and there is no charge for the course. (There is a link to an introductory class below this article)

    This is a call to women who want to take their learning of Chassidus to the next level. 

    This is a call to women who feel inspired to protect Am Yisrael via a learning method the Rebbe emphasized in תשנ’’ב.


    The Mitteler Rebbe’s “Shaar HaYichud” is known as the “Key to Chassidus” (HaYom Yom 15 Adar II). The in-depth study of this text is literally a key that opens doors to one’s inner mind and heart and to the learning of all of Chassidus. Over the past 25 years a small group of people have been learning this text with phenomenal outcomes in both their personal avodah and in their shlichus.

    On the 8th of Marcheshvan תשנב, the Rebbe recommended that Avodas haMochin be done through in-depth study of the writings of the Mitteler Rebbe as “he is the ‘breadth of the river’ (rechovot ha nahar) of the teachings of Chassidus. These teachings are therefore connected to the perfection of the ‘breadth of the river’ of the true and complete redemption…in the most ultimate and complete way.”

    The Rebbe explained that Avodas haMochin is needed to secure and expand the borders of Eretz Yisrael to not only include the lands of the 7 Canaanite nations, but an additional 3 lands to the east of the Jordan. Although this promise will only be fulfilled after Moshiach comes, the Rebbe stated that we need to be doing this work now! 


    We are not aiming to create a class where participants enjoy the wisdom of the teacher, we are aiming to help participants do the work of hitbonnenus and discover their own innate wisdom. In order to facilitate the hitbonnenus process (Hayom Yom, Tammuz 20) which is central to this method of study, participants will need to review material in a systematic way. Everyone’s outcome will be different depending on the effort they invest, but it is guaranteed that you will discover something wonderful and unique from doing this work. 


    If you are interested in putting in effort…
    If you are committed to a revolutionary way of learning…
    if you are willing to challenge yourself to engage with the depths of your mind and heart…
    Then not only will you receive enormous benefit, but as the Rebbe says clearly, you will contribute to the security of Am Yisrael. 

    The course will be facilitated by Mila Schneiderman and Neria (Cohen) Benavi. Mila has been studying Shaar Hayichud for the past 20 years and offers a depth of knowledge. She is the founder and director of Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch School in Crown Heights and creator of “Addicted to G-d” and “The River of Change” adult learning programs. Neria created a workshop that she led at over 200 Chabad Houses worldwide, the underpinnings of which were informed by her study of Shaar Hayichud. She currently teaches Chassidus at a Ba’alas Tshuvah Yeshivah in Jerusalem.

    Please join us in this new and exciting venture!


    Introductory Class: This Sunday, 2nd of Adar, February 11, 10am EST
    Please register for an introductory class where we will present an overview of the course and answer any questions. 

    Register Here 

    If you have any questions, please send a WhatsApp message to 347-387-8545 



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