Taking a Hot Shower on Yom Tov?




    Taking a Hot Shower on Yom Tov?

    Rabbi Sholom Shuchat, Dayan in the Beth Din of the Agudas Harabonim of the USA & Canada, and Rov in Brooklyn, delivered a comprehensive Shiur on the topic of taking a hot shower on Yom Tov • Listen

    1. A.Cohen

      I really enjoyed the shiur! I also found it very helpful! A must for everyone!

    2. tamar in brooklyn

      the discussion about taking a shower on yom tov is good and detailed. however, it is missing the part about what one does when actually in the shower. there are laws that must be followed regarding soap, shampoo, scrubbing, detangling hair, etc…. please include these in the discussion so we can get the whole picture..

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