R. Maoz Toledo Paints The Freidiker Rebbe




    Seder Nashim

    R. Maoz Toledo Paints The Freidiker Rebbe

    The Chabad painter R. Maoz Toledo presents a short video in which he documents all the stages of drawing a picture of the Freidiker Rebbe. He tells Chabad Info: “I am sitting in my house and watching a farbreingen with Rabbi Reuven Wolf, the Rebbe’s Shliach to Los Angeles in honor of the 12-13 Tammuz • Full Article, Story


    The Chabad painter R. Maoz Toledo presents a short video in which he documents all the stages of drawing a picture of the Freidiker Rebbe. He tells Chabad Info: “I am sitting in my house and watching a farbreingen with Rabbi Reuven Wolf, the Rebbe’s Shliach to Los Angeles in honor of the 12-13 Tammuz.

    “To paint for me,” he says, “is to want to be in a certain place, so I paint it because it takes me to exactly where I want to be . And just that I sit and listen to the farbreingen of Twelfth – Thirteenth of Tammuz while also painting a picture of the Freidiker Rebbe . It is a spiritual experience just as the Rebbe says ‘remember and be done’ “.

    In conclusion, he thanks us, “Straighten the power to the Chabad News Center – Chabad Info, which I kept the image I looked at from the site that also takes care to publish and inspire in the yimey Depagra to farbreing and wake up.”


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    1. Boruch Hoffinger

      Very, very nice. Unfortunately not a good likeness.

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    R. Maoz Toledo Paints The Freidiker Rebbe


