New Torah for Chabad of Clearwater




    New Torah for Chabad of Clearwater

    Rabbi Dovid Shushan, a sofer from Crown Heights, NY, flew in especially for the event. He assisted guests in inscribing the final letters of the Torah. When the ink on the new Torah dried, the Torah was lifted and then “dressed” with the special belt mantle and silver crown • Full Story, Photos

    Jewish Press of Pinllas County

    A crowd of about 150 gathered on Tuesday, May 31 at Chabad Center of Clearwater to celebrate the completion of a new Sefer Torah for Chabad of Clearwater.

    The event took place on Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5782, the 3334th anniversary of the Jewish people reaching Mount Sinai in preparation for receiving the Torah from G-d, said Rabbi Levi Hodakov, leader of Chabad of Clearwater.

    Rabbi Dovid Shushan, a sofer from Crown Heights, NY, flew in especially for the event. He assisted guests in inscribing the final letters of the Torah. When the ink on the new Torah dried, the Torah was lifted and then “dressed” with the special belt mantle and silver crown.

    After a procession with live music, torches and flags, the crowd filed back into the Tabacinic Chabad Center for the joyous Hakafot. A dinner followed.

    Addressing the crowd at the celebration, Rabbi Hodakov said, “The Torah isn’t just a historical narrative, the Torah you see here is our manual, a user’s guide for how to live a wholesome Jewish life.”



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