MyLife 116: Who Is Running the Show Now?




    MyLife 116: Who Is Running the Show Now?

    We seem to be experiencing a serious vacuum in leadership? People cannot even agree on an authority to trust. With various issues arising, like the recent controversy around building an eiruv in Crown Heights – how are we to find any clarity today? • MyLife Episode 116 with Rabbi Simon JacobsonWatch

    1. just a thought....

      By asking the question, is this not feeding into the yetzer horah emboldened by Amalek?! Is this not the same scenario as when the yidden were waiting for Moshe Rabeinu’s return from Har Sinai, when they were shown (by the soton) an image of Moshe Rabeinu not physically alive?
      Certain questions are encouraged, and can bring the questioner to a higher understanding. However, certain questions are the sinister work of Amalek, and thus, should not even be asked in the first place.

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