Russia’s Torah Life Celebrated at Historic Wedding in Italy




    Russia’s Torah Life Celebrated at Historic Wedding in Italy

    Photo Credit: Levi Nazarov

    Hundreds of supporters of Jewish Life in Russia gathered at an ancient castle outside Rome, Italy, for the wedding of the son of the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar • Full Story, Photos

    Hundreds of supporters of Jewish Life in Russia gathered at an ancient castle outside Rome, Italy, for the wedding of the son of the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar.

    In an ancient castle built over 600 years ago, dozens of benefactors and friends from Russia and around the world gathered to express their appreciation and support for the Torah institutions in Russia established by the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar, whose son, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok, got married to the daughter of Rabbi Hirshel Raskin, mashpia at the Mesivta in Montreal, Canada.

    Hundreds of years after the burning of the Talmud in Italy, the country witnessed an uplifting event celebrating the revival of Jewish life in Russia. The sounds of Torah learning and Chassidus now echo day and night, with the encouragement and support of the government, which supports the hundreds of shluchim led by the Chief Rabbi, ensuring that every Jew in Russia is cared for.

    The wedding took place in Italy in honor of the chosson’s grandfather, longtime shliach Rabbi Moshe Lazar, who served as the mesader kiddushin. The chuppa was held in the courtyard of the impressive castle near Bracciano lake.

    During the solemn moments at the chuppa, tefilos were offered for our brethren in the Holy Land and especially the captives. Representatives of families with Russian citizenship – who for the past nine months have been receiving assistance from Rabbi Lazar – were invited to the wedding to uplift their spirits, until the great news of their release, with Hashem’s help.

    The event, produced by Fleischman-Peles Events, continued until the early morning hours with joyous dancing by the prominent benefactors, along with many guests from around the world. Special attendees included Rabbi Chaim Danzinger, the shliach and rabbi of Rostov, Rabbi Shmuel Kuperman, shliach and rabbi of the Chistye Prudy neighborhood in Moscow, as well as institution heads from Moscow, family members, and many friends.


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