Miracles Across the Atlantic: Central Farbrengen Marking 28 Sivan Announced




    Miracles Across the Atlantic: Central Farbrengen Marking 28 Sivan Announced

    In honor of Chof Ches Sivan, the day that the Rebbe and Rebbetzin arrived on the shores of the USA, Anash and T’mimim will be having the Farbrengen in 770 Full Details

    The central Farbrengen in honor of the 28th of Sivan will with Hashem’s help take place this Thursday in 770, at 9:45pm.

    In 1941, amidst the dangers of World War II and the Nazi occupation, the Rebbe and his wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, fled Europe and traveled to the United States.


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