Israeli Chief Rabbi Meets with the Hanhala of 770 Yeshivah




    Israeli Chief Rabbi Meets with the Hanhala of 770 Yeshivah

    Photos by Avreimke Eisenshtien for Chabadinfo

    During a visit to New York, Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau met with the Hanhala of the central Yeshivah Tomchei Temimim as well as a number of Temimim • Full Story, Photos

    During a visit to New York, Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau met with Rabbi Shneur Zalman Labkowski and Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi and the rest of the Hanhala of the central Yeshivah Tomchei Temimim as well as a number of Temimim.

    The meeting, which was held in the home of Rabbi Meir Bukchin. They were joined by mmebers of the Igud Talmidei Hakvutza, Rabbi Pinchas Margolis, Rabbi Chaim Meir Zalmanov and Rabbi Moshiach Elias.

    In the past year there were 800 bochurim enrolled in the Central Yeshivah, with 450 from Eretz Yisroel who learn in Kevutza.

    During the meeting, the Rabbonim discussed several rulings of the Alter Rebbe as well as various directives of the Rebbe, to former Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu. They also discussed the Rebbe’s directives to Rabbonim and Poskim to rule that according to the halacha Moshiach must come immediately.

    Rabbi Lau was presented the Chief Rabbi with 4 seforim containing Torah thoughts written by the students of the Yeshiva. as well as a sefer Shiro Melech, published in honor of Yud Alef Nissan.


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