4,000 Bochurim Expected at this Year’s “Hour with the Rebbe” on Yud Shvat




    4,000 Bochurim Expected at this Year’s “Hour with the Rebbe” on Yud Shvat

    Thousands of Bochurim from remarkable 44 Yeshivos from around the world are anticipated to Pack 770 Eastern Parkway on Motzoei Shabbos of Yud Shvat for the 11th Annual “Hour with the Rebbe” Program, Filling the Main Shul and Bleachers to Capacity for a Unique Presentation of Sichos and Niggunim of the Rebbe • Full Story, Video

    Thousands of Bochurim from remarkable 44 Yeshivos from around the world are anticipated to Pack 770 Eastern Parkway on Motzoei Shabbos of Yud Shvat for the 11th Annual “Hour with the Rebbe” Program, Filling the Main Shul and Bleachers to Capacity for a Unique Presentation of Sichos and Niggunim of the Rebbe.

    This year, with Yud Shvat coinciding with Shabbos, the event will take place on Motzoei Shabbos from 8:00PM to 9:00PM. An astonishing 54 (!) Yeshivos are expected to participate, promising an unparalleled and deeply moving experience for all in attendance.

    Anash, Shluchim, and all others without a designated spot on the map are warmly welcomed to join in the Eastern Parkway Women’s section.

    “This year, we’re implementing security measures to ensure a calm and stability throughout the event,” said one of the program organizers. “It’s crucial that we demonstrate to the world and ourselves the true character and conduct of Lubavitch bochurim in 770.”

    “As the Hour with the Rebbe program unfolds against the somber backdrop of the situation in Israel, we will feature a selection of Sichos from the Rebbe on the vital topic of Shleimus Haoretz”, organizers say. “In this critical moment, it is more essential than ever that our Bochurim hear the Rebbe’s unequivocal and empowering message loud and clear.”

    “This incredible program allows Bochurim to experience a glimpse of what we felt when we saw the Rebbe in 770,” shared a member of Anash. “It’s essential that everyone attends. I was moved to tears seeing Bochurim who never met the Rebbe. May we see the Rebbe now!”

    “I still cherish the memory being there as a young Bochur and feeling beyond inspired” said a Shliach today in California. “It gives me energy to this very day”.

    An Hour with the Rebbe is being organized this year by Mendel Braun, Zelig Greisman, Mendy Hamburger, Mendel Malek, Avremi Mintz, Levi Potash and Yossi Teitelbaum.

    It is our fervent hope to celebrate Yud Shvat this year in the Beis Hamikdosh and hear directly from the Rebbe with the coming of Moshiach Tzidkenu immediately.

    To support ‘An Hour with the Rebbe’ and directly impact the next generation of the Rebbe’s army, please choose from our various giving options and receive unmatched perks like recognition in booklets, video, online articles and more or contribute with any other amount you are capable of giving. Every dollar is appreciated. https://donate.stripe.com/7sI8xv4HX1Zx4nK9AD

    For more information or to confirm your Yeshiva’s spot in the ‘Hour with the Rebbe’ program, please reach out at hourwiththerebbe@gmail.com or 914-625-5218.

    An hour with the Rebbe is made possible by see view optical, Unityletter.com, ScreenHeights, R’ Moshe Cohen, R’ Pinny Vishedsky, R’ Shmuel Brummel, R’ Mendy Horowitz, R’ Shmuel Spritzer, R’ Boruch Duchman, Rabbi Chai Amar and others.


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