Op-Ed: The ‘SIN’ of Duplicity




    Op-Ed: The ‘SIN’ of Duplicity

    By Rabbi Yehoshua S. Hecht, Member Presidium Rabbinical Alliance of America It is with great misgivings that we condemn and criticize the decision by the countries of Spain, Ireland and Norway, (SIN) who have announced their ill-advised recognition of a Palestinian State. We believe that this action rewards abhorrent behavior and encourages, murder and gratuitous violence, by the Hamas Nazis and their supporters • Full Article

    By Rabbi Yehoshua S. Hecht, Member Presidium Rabbinical Alliance of America

    It is with great misgivings that we condemn and criticize the decision by the countries of Spain, Ireland and Norway, (SIN) who have announced their ill-advised recognition of a Palestinian State. We believe that this action rewards abhorrent behavior and encourages, murder and gratuitous violence, by the Hamas Nazis and their supporters.

    These countries, that have joined in sin (SIN) and betrayal of basic human conduct, have given their imprimatur to the Hamas & Hezbollah miscreants, and their supporters, to trample upon the humanity and rights of the Jewish people in Israel and by default the Jewish people the world-over.

    If history indeed repeats itself, then the expulsion of the Jews in 1492, from Spain and the terrible carnage of the Crusades against the Jews, originating from central and western Europe, Ireland included, as well as the nascent anti-Semitism of Norway, in 1940, with its leader Vidkun Quisling, the nefarious collaborator with the German Nazi Reich, seem, to all coalesce in a damming, cacophony of absurdity, moral rot and ethical corruption – that plagues the European continent to this very day.

    In the words of the prophet Isaiah (5:20) “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that change darkness unto light, and light unto darkness; that change bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter.”

    At a time that Israel and its people are in a battle for physical survival, these nations (SIN) are pouring kerosene upon the conflagration, rewarding the terrorists and the Mullahs of Iran, and the forces of darkness and evil, to weaken and dispirit the people of Israel.

    One must question why these countries seek to embolden and reward the Hamas Nazis, to give support and succor, to an entity that has no moral or ethical reason for existence, save to embitter the lives of the innocent and upholders of light and justice.

    Shame on these countries that aid and abet such moral blindness and calumny upon the righteous. Indeed, King David in the Book of Psalms (125:4) declares “As for those who turn aside to crooked ways, May the L-rd make them go the way of evildoers. Peace be on Israel!


    The Rabbinical Alliance of America founded in 1942 is a well-recognized voice of the North American Orthodox Rabbinate, that addresses the Jewish community’s concerns that touch upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, which are applicable to all of humanity.


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