Unexpected Hakhel in the Amazon




    Seder Nashim

    Unexpected Hakhel in the Amazon

    This week in S. Paulo, Brazil Beit Chabad Central organizes a regional kinus for shluchim. In honor of Hakhel, entire families are welcome to come. We had planned on going, but with this virus our plans had to be cancelled • Full Story

    Everything that occurs is Hashgacha Pratis, but not always do we get to see it with our own eyes. This week an entire community was able to witness it. You see, two days after the women’s kinus, my wife called to tell me that she had missed the flight. There is only one flight a day to the Amazon from the United States so she would eventually arrive the next day. Normally that is not a great challenge, but that one day did not go as expected.

    My children woke up with a red rash all over their face and body. After being examined by a dermatologist and taking blood tests they were diagnosed with Rubella. They Baruch Hashem did not have the Zika Virus or Dengue, but still precautions needed to be taken. Within a day of my wife’s arrival she too contacted the virus.

    This week in S. Paulo, Brazil Beit Chabad Central organizes a regional kinus for shluchim. In honor of Hakhel, entire families are welcome to come. We had planned on going, but with this virus our plans had to be cancelled. I felt annoyed at losing this amazing opportunity of Hakhel, and my children meeting other shluchim kids. However Hashem had another Hakhel event planned for us.

    I received a phone call from a group of 34 Israelis that were coming to visit the Amazon, and they asked if we could host them for a meal. We did, and it was amazing! As they ate schnitzel pirarucu with Israeli salad and other delicious dishes they marveled at our dedication to the Jewish community in the Amazon. We took them to visit the Saintly Rabbi Muyal buried in the non-Jewish cemetery before they were off to their hotel on the Amazon River.

    Chabad Manaus is in the midst of a Mikvah Capital Campaign and as part of it they are offering people a chance to experience the Amazon. It is a Hakhel year and one could also join by visiting Here


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