Tri-State Area Heating Up




    Tri-State Area Heating Up

    A potentially dangerous heat wave could impact NYC and the entire Tri-State area next week, causing temperatures during the workweek to skyrocket to levels not experienced in several years • Read More

    The heat will reach the area by Tuesday, with widespread temperatures across the Northeast in the 90s expected and, when factoring in the humidity, it will feel like 100–105 degrees in many spots – lasting well through the end of the week.

    In the Northeast, a heat wave is defined as three or more days in a row of temperatures in the 90s. According to current forecasts, that’s looking likely as the summer temperatures remain in the area through at least the end of next week.

    The most common illnesses from warm temperatures are heat exhaustion and heatstrokes, which occurs when the body’s internal temperature rises rapidly, overwhelming its ability to cool down.


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