The Shema Yisroel Of A Chasid




    The Shema Yisroel Of A Chasid

    Today, 11 Adar Alef, marks the 5th Yartzeit of Rabbi Moshe Mordechi Orenstein, the head Mashpia in Yeshivas Chassidei Chabad Lubavich of Tzfas • Full Story

    By Ari Fogel

    Today, 11 Adar Alef, marks the 5th Yartzeit of Rabbi Moshe Mordechi Orenstein, the head Mashpia in Yeshivas Chasidei Chabad Lubavich of Tzfas.

    Here is a remarkable story about his Yiras Shamayim:

    20 years before he passed away, rabbi Orenstein suffered a heart attack. He was taken to have an open heart surgery in Tel Hashomer hospital.

    The surgery concluded in the evening. Typically, post-surgery, patients receive heavy medication for an extra 24 hours to aid recovery.

    Subsequently, they allow the patient to regain consciousness during the recovery process. Rabbi Orenstein was expected to follow this pattern, but his son confidently informed the doctors that his father, true to form, would be awake early the next day to recite the Shema at the appropriate time before Sof Zman Krias Shema.

    The doctors responded saying that this is not really possible since they gave him a very heavy sleep medication.

    The next morning 6 AM, rabbi orenstein‘s son came with Tefilin for his father, thinking that he will have to put it on him in his sleep. To his surprise, his father was sitting and waiting for his Tefilin so he can Daven.

    Needless to say, the medical team was shocked and lost for words.


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    1. Dovid V.

      Very inspiring story! Thank you for sharing!

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