60 Cities; One Summer: A Whole Brazil, Now With a Jewish Fire!




    Seder Nashim

    60 Cities; One Summer: A Whole Brazil, Now With a Jewish Fire!

    In one Summer, the Project Mitzva Tank – Brazil impacts to over 60 cities in 12 Brazilian states. “There’s no far jew” is a literally truth lived by every day of nine volunteering Bochurim, who this year drove for 9.600 miles, visiting Yiden in all corners of the country • Full Story, Photos

    The Project Mitzva Tank Brazil impacts to over 60 cities in 12 Brazilian states.

    “There’s no far jew” is a literally truth lived by every day of nine volunteering Bochurim, who this year drove for 9.600 miles, visiting Yiden in all corners of the country, from Jaguarão-RS corner with Uruguay to Lençóis-BA in the northern side, from western city of Uruguaiana to the eastern Vitória.

    Split to three separate groups, within the two months of the Summer vacation, they dedicated to inspire people with visits in their houses and offices, sharing some words of Torah, lay the Tefilin, and to do what was needed, such as affixing or checking the Mezuzes; as well as having a life caring chat with them.

    Messages of Jewish pride, strength in Yiddishkeit and importance of the Jewish heritage, often are the only source of connection to Yiddishkeit for these Yiden, for the project is focused to aid those that live in remote cities that not necessarily have a Synagogue, Community or Rabbi.

    Events, Shiurim, Kabalos & Seudas Shabbos, Mega Challah Bake, Q&A’s sessions, Havdalah with Chassidic Nigunim and many more were part of the creativity made through the trip; many of the attendants had the pleasure of participating in the first of the like; and the impact pushed the small communities to organize their own activities throughout the year.

    “Thank you very much for the visit, I now had gained my year, appreciate the love and caring; I recived two books and a lovely picture of The Rebbe” said Claudia after the boys visit.

    Now, after such long and affecting trip, the Project is only beginning, by continuously keeping in touch with the Yiden and the small communities, providing them with their needs throughout the year; Chanukah Boxes and Shmurah Matzah are shipped across the country, and in special dates Bochurim and Rabbis visit one of those cities, for Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur, Purim & Chanukah and for the Pesach Seder.

    The Project Mitzva Tank Brazil is managed from A to Z by the young volunteering Bochurim, alongside help from various Shluchim of different areas.

    A short story that happened this year showed to us the continuity of our work, not long before the South Route left of, we received a pair of Tefillin from a Holucust survivor, as a wish of his that the pair should go to someone who would do the Mitzvah every day; and there was on a rushy Friday as we we’re preparing for a Kabalat & Seudat Shabat, in the city of Ponta Grossa – PR, two of us went to do a visit, Samuel is a Yid that unfortunately has a very hard life, from his financial conditions to his family, our visit was very important, as we meet in his booth in the main street, where he sells soccer team shirts, he told us how things are going and some of the harsh stories he lives through, as the conversation goes on he mentioned that he would be happy to start putting on the Tefillin every day, for his surprise we had exactly what he wanted, without thinking too much he opened his wallet as said here is everything I have, I want to buy this pair; we taught him how to do it, and from that Friday and on he puts on every day (besides Shabbos); but the story doesn’t end here; the father of one of the Bochurim, Rabbi Yossi Alpern, Shliach in S. Paulo, mention this story at his Shabbos table, and one of the men present at the moment, stunned by this man’s life story and how he is able to commit for such a thing even living in a small town, he then decided that he could also change and do something more, so he did, took upon himself that he would also put on Tefillin every day, Samuel after hearing the impact he had in others said: “I was very happy to know that I positively influenced the life of a person practicing a great Mitzvah of putting on Tefillin, I am even happier to know that I have the affection and caring of you, I feel very comfortable knowing that I can count on you in my mission as a Jew here; when you mentioned that someone will put Tefillin every day, I felt like a flame that brought light to someone’s life, I’m feeling an immense happiness”.

    This is not the only one, a man already decided to have a Bris Milah, some kids will join summer camps, and many more stories that are broiling.

    These years powerful group contained from:

    North Route: Moshe Antebi, Chaim Begun, Nussi Schapiro and Mendy Tamezgui.

    Floripa Route: Yaacov Alpern, Shaya Begun and Mendy Steinmetz.

    South Route: Yaacov Alpern, Shaya Begun, Shmuly Goldman and Naftaly Palace.

    To know more about the project, see our Instagram page at https://instagram.com/mitzvatankbrasil

    If you know of any Yiden, anywhere in the Country, let us know at +1 (908) 777-0613 (WhatsApp, Call or Text) or at [email protected]

    Donations could be made to PayPal.me/MitzvaTank (send as friends & family)


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    1. Bella I.Stern

      A remark, unfortenly, Chas Veshalom, are some jewish people, on purpose, they whant to forget them

    2. Mark S.

      Wow!!! Just wow to see the work of Chabad!!!

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