Shmira Issues Kinus Hashluchos Advisory




    Shmira Issues Kinus Hashluchos Advisory

    Photo: Dov Ber Hechtman/Chabadinfo

    Crown Heights Shmira would like to welcome all the Rebbe’s Shluchos and guests that are visiting for the yearly global Shluchos convention. Below are a few safety and security tips they would like to share with you • Full Story

    Crown Heights Shmira would like to welcome all the Rebbe’s Shluchos and guests that are visiting for the yearly global Shluchos convention.

    Below are a few safety and security tips we would like to share with you:

    – Walk in groups when possible.
    – Be alert and pay attention to your surroundings and to those walking near you.
    – We recommend not wearing earbuds or headphones while walking. If needed, use in one ear only.
    – When using your cellphone, be alert.
    – Do not leave valuables in your vehicle. Make sure your vehicle is locked and secured at all times.
    – Keep money and passports in a safe location.
    – Don’t carry large amounts of cash.
    – Label suitcases with name and contact information.
    – Do not leave bags unattended, even for a second.
    – If you are planning to drive, be sure to check that your license is NOT SUSPENDED.

    While there is no immediate threat to our community in NYC, we will remain vigilant and are in constant contact with the local Police Department and City Officials.
    Shmira in conjunction with the NYPD will be stepping up patrols in the area.

    For emergency assistance call Shmira 24/7 at 718-221-0303 and 911

    Crown Heights Shmira Communications Division


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