Registration is Open for the New Zman at Lemaan Yilmedu




    Registration is Open for the New Zman at Lemaan Yilmedu

    Everyone has heard about the extraordinary learning experience provided by Machon Lemaan Yilmedu. The study of halacha is made accessible to all, for working men, those with families, or busy shluchim who can set aside some free time in the evening to learn halacha, without compromising on the quality of the learning • Full Story

    Everyone has heard about the extraordinary learning experience provided by Machon Lemaan Yilmedu. The study of halacha is made accessible to all, for working men, those with families, or busy shluchim who can set aside some free time in the evening to learn halacha, without compromising on the quality of the learning.

    At first, it was a program for semicha, issur v’heter, but within three years, no fewer than ten courses have opened at the Machon on two tracks: A track for shluchim which includes subjects like Chuppa v’Kiddushin, Mikvaos and Hilchos Nidda, and a track for balabatim which includes subjects like hilchos Shabbos, Orach Chaim, Shechita, etc.

    In addition, a separate track has opened to study for semicha for bachurim, as well as a program to train madrichei chassanim. Most recently, a special program has been offered for women who are studying Hilchos Shabbos, Kashrus and Taharas ha’Mishpacha. The hanhala of the Machon says that for the upcoming year, additional learning tracks will be opened in order to enlarge the numbers of those studying halacha.

    Registration has opened for the new school year which will begin in Elul. This is your opportunity to join one of the programs and bring the light of Torah into your home with organized, in-depth study of halacha with an emphasis on halacha l’maaseh.

    Additional details on the website:



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