Rabbi Lau Declares a Fast Day




    Rabbi Lau Declares a Fast Day

    Israeli Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau issued a public letter in which he called for a national fast on this coming Wednesday, the day before Rosh Chodesh Nissan • Full Story

    Israeli Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau issued a public letter in which he called for a national fast on this coming Wednesday, the day before Rosh Chodesh Nissan. Rabbi Lau said that whoever is capable of taking upon himself the fast and has no health issues should accept the fast at least for half a day in order to pray for the eradication of the coronavirus. He added that those who cannot fast should take on a Taanit Dibur, a day on which they refrain from any profane talking.

    “The situation is difficult, and everyone feels the sword which has been unleashed and which is taking lives all over the world,” Rabbi Lau explained, adding that “at this time as we strictly adhere to the directives of medical officials, each of us should examine his ways and improve his behavior, both regarding commandments relating to his fellow man and regarding commandments relating to G-d.”

    Rabbi Lau added that Selichos should be recited during the fast and expressed his hope that Hashem will answer our prayers and save us from all evil decrees.


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