R’ Chezi Posner Teaches Shechita Techniques Hands-On




    R’ Chezi Posner Teaches Shechita Techniques Hands-On

    At Machon Lemaan Yilmedu’s shechita program for more than half a year, students studied the laws of shechita from Simlah Chadasha, starting last week, hands-on practice portion of the program for the actual shechita technique. Live chickens were brought in by shochet, R’ Chezi Posner, who taught the students • Full Story, Photos

    Machon Lemaan Yilmedu’s shechita program is coming to an end. For more than half a year, students studied the laws of shechita from Simlah Chadasha, as well as how to prepare the knife so it’s smooth with no flaws, and starting from last week, the hands-on practice portion of the program for actual shechita technique.

    Live chickens were brought in and the shochet, R’ Chezi Posner, taught the students how to hold the chicken properly and how to carry out the shechita according to halacha. After the demonstration, the students were able to try holding the chicken properly themselves and in the coming weeks, they will also attempt shechita.

    With the conclusion of the program, students will need to pass the tests setting the knife and proper shechita and only then will they receive their “kabbalah” ordination certificate.

    For details about the program and to register: www.LemaanYilmedu.com/product/shechita



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